It is a common goal for all people on this planet to maintain good health and well-being. In fact, boosting our health is not that hard and it takes just incorporating some healthy habits into our lives. Especially when it comes to improving your health after injuries, pain, or strains, every professional physiotherapist would recommend changing some old habits and adapting to new and healthier ones, also trying some new and simple exercises to help you maintain good health and heal faster, prevent other injuries in future, successfully managing treatment and rehabilitation. Today we share with you some handy ideas and effective tips you can benefit from when you want to improve your health and maintain it well.

Physiotherapy Tips for the Workplace

Here are some easy but efficient tips to help you stay fit and feel healthy and physically good while at work:

  • Taking a break at work is sometimes hard. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and you can hardly find any time to take even a few minute breaks. However, you should make sure you are taking a break at some point of your workday, otherwise, you are doing no good for your health. And when you take a break, make sure it is a real one and use it to truly relax. Don’t use the time of your break to surf the internet, checking social media, or chat with a friend. It is highly recommended do follow a routine, where you get up every two hours, you take a short walk and stretch your legs, then you can continue working.
  • Every twenty minutes or so you are recommended to take some mini-breaks when you do some stretches to loosen the tension in your shoulders and neck and you can shift position.
  • Whenever you need to speak to your colleagues, instead of calling them or sending them a message, simply get up and walk to their desk.
  • Make a conscious effort to watch your posture until it becomes a habit.
  • Make sure you are sitting close to your station with your legs flexed at a ninety-degree angle and your feet resting comfortably.
  • Keep the keyboard of the computer at a level and distance that does not require too much reaching and it is not too high or too low for you.
  • Keep the monitor of your computer at the level of your eyes.

How to Make the Most of Physiotherapy

Visiting professional physiotherapy specialists when you are healing from and injury or pain is great. However, don’t expect them to solve your problem with a magic wand as there are some things that are strictly in your responsibility and will help you feel better and be healthier faster and sooner. You are recommended to:

  • See your physiotherapist early enough before the health problem gets worse or more serious. Don’t neglect the pain.
  • Set a realistic goal of what you hope to achieve and make sure to follow your goal at a convenient for you and recommended by your physiotherapist pace.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask your physiotherapists all the questions you are interested in.
  • Make sure to always follow your physiotherapist’s advice and recommendations since they are the professional and they have the experience and knowledge to advise you on the best for you and your health.
  • Carry out all exercises as instructed by your physiotherapist.
  • Learn how to self-manage your injury by taking an active, conscious and responsible role in your own healing process and recovery.

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