About the Business

Precision Physio is a private physiotherapy service in Somerton, Somerset, established by Esther Stubbs MCSP, BSc, Specialist MSK physio. Precision Physio was founded in 2010 in Anglesey, when the NHS went through a major freeze. Understanding the frustration of long NHS waiting lists, Esther Stubbs set up her own Physiotherapy Clinic, to cater for those in need of immediate physiotherapy. This proved to be a very successful clinic, providing care not only for the General public but also for private businesses.

Precision Physio prides itself on being a practice focused on listening to the patient, and providing holistic care. Esther Stubbs is a highly skilled and committed specialist in musculoskeletal conditions, and has a passion for inspiring and motivating patients to recover from injury. She combines this with empathy and approaches clients holistically, to ensure the patient has the best possible chance for recovery.

Location & Hours

11 Camelot Court, Bancombe Road Business Park

Somerton, TA11 6SB
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