About the Business

Ruth graduated with a BSc in Physiotherapy from the University of Brighton in 2001. Within a few years she specialised in neurological and stroke rehabilitation in Cornwall, working on the Stroke and Neurology wards at the Royal Cornwall Hospital. She has worked at Marie Therese House in Hayle, providing specialist inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation.

For the last 8 years she has worked as a Clinical Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist in the mid and west of Cornwall, providing highly specialist care for people with very complex rehabilitation needs.

Ruth has completed a post graduate certificate in neurological rehabilitation and many more hours of post graduate study in order to provide highly effective, evidence-based assessment and treatment, providing bespoke therapy plans that are tailored to the priorities of the individual client. Ruth’s passion for helping people achieve their potential is evident immediately. Ruth is delighted to have partnered with Newquay Hydrotherapy Centre to provide land-based and pool-based rehabilitation.

Location & Hours

Quarry Park Road

Newquay, TR7 2NP
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